Manifest Space

A few days into the new year and I suppose some plans have already changed? That’s the way it always seems to be, anyway. So, what can you stick to? What are your priorities? What is something that keeps coming to mind, out of seemingly nowhere? That, to me anyway, sounds like something that needs your focus, that is trying to make space, that needs to manifest in order for bigger things to unfold. I know, I know, this kind of woowoo “it worked for me” stuff doesn’t sit right with many people. That’s fine.

So let’s take a step back, let me ask you - Are you comfortable? Do you rest well? Do you enjoy the space in which you spend the most time? If the answer is a resounding NO! Let me keep asking - Why is the answer no? Have you done anything at all to try and change the answer? What would it take for you to make that step to improve and thus change the answer? These are much tougher questions, and ones that you may not yet have answers for, that’s ok. However, if you are saying HELP, help will change things, will improve things. I’ve been there! I kept asking aloud, and asking and thinking. You know what happened?

Out of seemingly nowhere, a very kind professional asked me similar questions, and just understood. So, I focused on that, and I made space - in many ways in fact. The best part of it all, you get to read this and I hope you join to read many more thoughts, favorites and updates, HERE on this brand new, beautiful site. The result of manifest space, of asking for help, and accepting it!

Clearly, I’m very excited and want to share it with you! Having a beautiful place to share my ideas, designs, and favorite home goods makes a lot more fun! I hope you think so and take a look, too! Naturally, if you’re in need of help with your space, your home, your work environment this new year, I’m very grateful you’ve stopped by and took the time to read this! It’d be an honor to help, in whatever way I can!

Happy New Year!





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